Despite Nancy Pelosi admitting that it is too early for Democrats to talk about impeaching President Trump, at least one Democrat is ignoring the new leader of his party.
Rep. Brad Sherman – unsurprisingly a California Democrat – plans to reintroduce articles of impeachment against the President on the very first day of the new Congress.
Previously, Sherman joined with Reps. Al Green (D-Texas) and Steve Cohen (D-Tennessee) to originally introduce the articles of impeachment back in 2017.
But if you think Sherman is seeking to impeach Trump for political reasons, rather than impeaching him on the facts of the “Russian collusion” narrative, or a number of other anti-Trump narratives, that even some Democrats have admitted simply do not exist, you’d apparently be mistaken.
“I didn’t do this as some political move, I did it in July of 2017, about as far away from an election as a House member ever gets,” Sherman told CNN. “Now I’m making sure not to take a step backward. We had to either take a step backward or not take a step backward.”
To her credit, despite years of beating the impeachment drums, Pelosi has just a tad bit more reasonable – if such a thing is possible for the far-left – in her comments regarding Democrats’ desire to impeach Trump since the November Election.
Of course, that fact should come as no surprise to those who’ve been paying attention, considering Democrats generally always pander to their base with wildly unrealistic and unattainable promises – like universal healthcare – around election time, only to renege on those promises later.
And nothing gets the radical left going these days like talk of a good ole’ Trump impeachment.
“We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason,” Pelosi said.
No matter how badly Democrats want to impeach President Trump, actually going through with removing him from office will never happen, as a two-thirds vote in the Senate is required in order to make that happen.
But that definitely won’t stop radical leftists, like Rep. Sherman, from trying.
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