GRAHAM – On Saturday, in the seat of Alamance County, Democrats and Black Lives Matter activists planned a ‘March to the Polls’ in which a few hundred participants were to hear speeches, and then march to the nearby polling place, BLM flags waving, to cast their votes. It was a sanctioned and permitted event.
However, the organizers did not get permits to shut a street down, or obstruct traffic. In fact, organizers were warned by police prior to the event that they would not be allowed to do so. So, when marchers went ahead with an attempted 8 min 46 sec of silence for social justice martyr George Floyd in the middle of the street, police ordered them to clear the road. When they did not clear the road, police used pepper spray, pointed at the ground, to disperse them.
When a portion of the mob reconstituted at the Alamance County Courthouse in even rowdier fashion, they were ordered to disperse again. When they did not disperse, pepper spray was used a second time.
As you’ve probably guessed by now, this course of events has been spun into an embellished and dramatic tale of victimization, police brutality, and suppressing of the vote. We’ve no doubt that such an altercation was, in part, the purpose of some BLM activists’ participation in this event.
Right on cure, the hysterical response from the NAACP of NC:
“[…] Do the Sheriff and his enablers want Graham Courthouse to go down in History as NC’s Edmund Pettus Bridge? Do sensible, long-time Alamancers with the beautiful Elon Campus bringing national recognition to their County, want to remind the nation of its lynchings and hideous history of hate? Is the multi-cultural community of faith that Rev. Drumwright and other clergy are creating to help bend the moral arc of the universe toward justice such a threat to the dwindling, but powerful group of officials who still govern with violence and hate?
According to Graham’s law enforcers, it was when the peaceful protesters paused for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, to honor the Black Life of George Floyd, that the deputies decided to pepper spray the crowd. Graham Mayor Ian Baltutis said his “police very aggressively told everyone to get off the street and onto the sidewalk. They started spraying everyone, including a couple of kids – small children. With the breeze, the spray was soon all over the square.” […]”
A narrative of racist lynching, hate, and violence spun out of police enforcing the rules and dealing accordingly with those that refuse their commands. How convenient.
It is the same misplaced sense of indignation we witness every time a mob blocks a street, surrounds a car, and then act completely aghast that the driver would step on the gas.
The event was never sanctioned to block a street for nearly nine minutes — they were specifically warned against it — yet when police enforce their command to disperse a large unruly crowd with pepper spray, the obstinate crowd somehow becomes the victim?
To be sure, children and elderly were among the crowd, and thus, they felt the effects of pepper spray. That’s very unfortunate. It’s also something that could have been completely avoided, and easily so, by actually sticking to the approved march route and not refusing police orders when it was breached.
Instead, the crowd took to the street as if they did not have to follow the same rules that would have applied to anyone else, and then compounded the conflict with the continued agitation at the courthouse.
The interaction at the courthouse led to several arrests.
Maybe the most ridiculous cry of victimization is the accusation of voter suppression, as a result of the police actions, because some of the marchers did not make it to the polls.
Not so, according to the Board of Elections. “We’re still gathering information but it appears that voting has continued and hasn’t been interrupted,” Patrick Gannon, spokesman for the State Board of Elections, reported to the Raleigh News & Observer.
What’s more, those making the charge of voter suppression seem completely oblivious to the natural effects of a BLM-flag-waving mob blocking a street near a voting site.
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