RALEIGH – It wasn’t just the race for North Carolina Supreme Court; Democrats swept statewide judicial races on Tuesday. While not the highest profile races, these are the ones that can (and will) have lasting effects on the people of this state through landmark judicial decisions.
Sitting Justice Barbara Jackson, a Republican with an honest approach to interpreting the North Carolina and United States Constitutions, was the primary victim of a sloppy and unwarranted series of moves from a N.C. General Assembly that enabled Democrats to walk right through a loophole to spoil the race.
There were no judicial primaries in 2018 due to legislation passed on Jones Street, but there were partisan labels on the judicial races. This conflict allowed for a Democratic plant, Chris Anglin, to registered as a Republican and files for the Supreme Court race shortly thereafter in order to dilute the Republican vote and give advantage to Democratic Social Justice Warrior Anita Earls.
It was a dirty trick by Democrats pulled in broad daylight, but it was made possible by Republican ‘strategery’ on Jones Street. While Republican lawmakers tried to undue their mistake via legislation that would have stripped Anglin’s partisan label for its obvious motivations, but it was too late.
Then, instead of investing party and caucus campaign resources to protect the Jackson seat on the bench, Republicans all but abandoned her. This stands in stark contrast to the way they have treated other conservative judicial candidates for the Supreme Court in the recent past.
The Anglin tricked worked perfectly for Democrats, as he siphoned off votes from Jackson that would have narrowly put her in front of Earls in the polls. Earls walked away with the victory and now North Carolinians are faced with a strong Leftist majority on the high court that believes legislating from the bench is acceptable, as long as it benefits liberal agendas of “fairness” and “equality.”
Can you imagine the opinions Earl will pen on majority decisions? I shutter to think of the kind of ‘Progressive’ precedents will be set as key issues come before such a Leftist supreme court.
The judiciary losses didn’t stop there; no Republican won a statewide judicial race. At least one, Court of Appeals candidate Jefferson Griffin, was faced with a similar set up as one of two Republicans facing a Democrat for a seat on that bench. They split the vote and the Democrat won easily. Another Republican, Drew Heath, narrowly lost.
For all the noise Democrats have made about Republican lawmakers trying to “rig the courts,” the Republicans did a spectacularly bad job of it. The main impediment to Republican policies and reforms in the past few years have been courts stepping outside their constitutional role and deciding political questions that are best decided by the people. Such as that is, you’d think the Republican powers that be would have made a more robust effort to help elect Republican judges to consequential positions.
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