WASHINGTON, D.C. – Remember that whole thing where Democrats have been complaining about foreign entities having untoward influence on elections. Facebook ads, faux political groups, stirring up acrimony in U.S. politics from overseas – it was tantamount to the death of Democracy as far as the Left was concerned.
Forget all that, because Democrats in the U.S. House passed a bill on Friday that would give illegal aliens, who entered our country unlawfully, the right to vote on our elections. And that’s not all; the legislation would also automatically register people to vote, and violate the First Amendment by outing contributions to political causes. To top it off, the bill shows symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome as it specifically targets the White House.
From the New York Times:
“[…] Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, has branded it the “Democrat Politician Protection Act” in weekly speeches, and pledged not to take up the legislation. The House Republican leader, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, also criticized the legislation.
“This bill is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections,” Mr. McCarthy said in a speech on Friday, in an attack on “this new, Democrat, socialist majority.”
[…] Some of those provisions, however, have drawn criticism from both conservative and liberal groups that argue the language is overly broad and would infringe on First Amendment rights. The American Civil Liberties Union urged members to vote against the bill.
Democrats have also used the legislation to make clear that they believe that cleanup must start with the White House, and included several provisions jabbing at the president and homing in on a laundry list of his administration’s alleged ethical abuses.
It would require presidents and vice presidents, as well as candidates for the nation’s highest offices, to release at least 10 years of federal tax returns — Mr. Trump has released none — and it stipulates that inaugural committees must disclose their expenditures. […]”
This is just the taste of what the Left will do in the House, and the a preview to what America would turn into should Democrats win majorities in Congress.
If you don’t think we are in the fight for the Republic as we know it, as it was founded, just take another look at the new leaders of the Democratic Party. If they are not countered effectively, the damage may be irreparable.
Read more here.
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