RALEIGH – We can always rely on the opinion editorials of the Capitol Broadcasting Company to reveal the twisted logic of the Left, which is only slightly shrouded in a ‘news’ label throughout their other media properties. So, this week’s revelation is that Democrats think – or merely want others to think – that the recent election essentially made Gov. Roy Cooper the ‘new sheriff in town.’
“There’s a new sheriff in town. In Raleigh, that’s a literal and figurative fact.
Literally: Current Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison, a Republican, is leaving and sheriff-elect Gerald Baker, a Democrat, will take over.
Figuratively: North Carolina voters gave Gov. Roy Cooper the badge when they took away the General Assembly’s veto proof majority. In the face of heavily GOP rigged election districts, safe incumbents were sent packing in favor of Democrats. Voters are saying stop the nonsense and are helping the governor do it.”
First, lets get something out of the way: election districts that are ‘heavily rigged’ don’t typically allow for voters to send ‘safe incumbents’ packing. The suggestion to the contrary makes NO SENSE. If the districts were RIGGED, then those safe incumbents would be SAFE. The fact that many previously safe Republican incumbents lost their races is proof positive that the districts are not rigged. However, acknowledging such a contradiction in premises is beyond the Leftist running CBC.
Next, the supposition that Republicans losing their super-majorities means voters were making Cooper the ‘new sheriff in town’ is laughable. Yes, Republicans literally have less leverage to overcome vetoes now, but they still have majorities and that is kind of what political power is all about in the legislature.
Cooper is not all of the sudden going to be calling the shots. Actually, the people that have gained the most leverage through this election are those Democrat lawmakers that still maintain a small sense of sanity. Their vote just got a lot more important. So what will happen when a select few ‘deputy Democrats’ on Jones Street side with Republicans over the objections of the ‘sheriff’ residing on Blount Street? The sheriff realizes he is nearly as impotent as he was before.
The CBC activists argue that voters sent a message to ‘Do the right thing.’ To CBC that means ‘Do the Democrat thing,’ and it makes as much sense as crowning Cooper as the new sheriff. Take Voter ID for example:
“Among the topics likely to come up during the session is implementation of the recently approved state Constitutional Amendment to require photo identification when citizens vote. Lewis, a Harnett County Republican, told a reporter what he expects his new law will include. He indicated it will be much like a failed 2013 voter ID law.
North Carolina citizens voted in favor of a picture voter ID. They DID NOT vote for a half-baked, quickly passed law that will do more to generate court challenges and legal fees than assure fair elections.”
Actually, Mr. Goodmon, North Carolina citizens clearly voted in favor of exactly the kind of voter ID laws passed in 2013, and overturned by a partisan court decision the next year.
How do we now that? Because you and other Leftists have been screaming from the mountain tops for five years that Republicans’ Voter ID push was a racist voter suppression tool, and, after all of that time to argue your side, two weeks ago the majority of voters in the Old North State essentially said, “We don’t believe that; Republicans’ Voter ID proposals make common sense.”
And a handful of Democrat lawmakers, especially those from districts that heavily favored the Voter ID Constitutional Amendment, are going to face a decision: vote with the constituents and common sense, or toe the line for the Leftist opinion makers in Raleigh like CBC. Something tells us their voters’ voices are louder in their conscience, but perhaps that’s wishful thinking.
In any case, those Democrat lawmakers representing districts that are more moderate than Wake and Orange Counties, are really the ones holding the jailhouse keys, not Cooper.
The CBC editorial patronizes that Republicans just aren’t getting the message from the recent election. However, it is clear that those tone deaf to statewide public sentiment are the Democrats inside the beltline, not Republican majorities.
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