HICKORY – With the big news today being the looming impeachment vote in the U.S. House, the eve of the impeachment vote brought out the typical activists on the Left to organize impeachment parties. Those social justice rabblerousers failed to anticipate the level of support for the president and opposition to the Democrats’ witch hunt in Catawba County, however.
Republican candidate for Catawba County Commissioner Tom Dees organized a Defend Trump rally Tuesday evening that drew 300+ people, dwarfing the 60 Leftists that turned out for a pro-impeachment pep rally.
You can see the disparity between the crowds as well in this photo series; it bodes well for Trump’s continued support in rural North Carolina, not to mention across the country. The Hickory Reporter covered the rallies with about an hour of MAGA footage that demonstrates the disconnect between most everyday Americans and political activists on the Left hell bent on a coup.
Though only anecdotal, a poll of your neighborhood, more often than not, is likely to yield a similar yawning gap between the vitriol directed at Trump on TV and the reasoned, common sense perceptions of the people. We’ll need more of this to combat the desperate attacks bound to continue into 2020. Learn more about those behind the event here, especially if you’re in Catawba County.
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