RALEIGH – What has been one of the worst kept secrets in state politics is now official: Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest has publicly announced the formation of an exploratory committee for the 2020 governorship. He revealed the news via video press release Monday morning.
Forest, in his second term as lieutenant governor, is popular among grassroots conservatives and through his limited role has championed causes for choice in education, free speech on college campuses, and stood firm on the need for the infamous House Bill 2 while scores of other Republicans buckled under the manufactured public backlash.
He is a family values, pro-life Republican that bends toward limited government and the preservation of liberty. Though he has been lieutenant governor for nearly seven years, there is still a lot for North Carolinians, and Republican primary voters, to learn about Forest as far as his comprehensive platform and his view of government’s role in our lives.
Most indications are that Forest is a principled, limited government conservative that would provide the Old North State the kind of leadership it deserves. Now, with the launch of his exploratory committee, Forest can start introducing himself, his platform, and gaining the trust of voters that might not know a lot about him.
If you’d like to invest in Dan Forest’s campaign for governor, you can do so here.
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