RALEIGH – The chairman of the N.C. State Board of Elections petitioned the three-judge panel overseeing a case about the board’s current makeup Monday as it appears they will not be able to finish the 9th District fraud investigation by the previously announced deadline.
The court agreed, and now state lawmakers are preparing legislation to address the discrepancy in state law. The Board stated that i had so many interviews to conduct related to the fraud investigation that the December 21 deadline would not likely be met.
Their job may be complicated by the fact that new information about potential election fraud is coming out nearly every day, on behalf of Republicans AND Democrats. Democrats, who were shouting from the mountain tops about the need for absolute integrity in elections, are now clamming up when it comes to evidence that the Left was also engaged in the fraudulent practices.
At presser, @NCDemParty Chair Goodwin doesn’t directly answer Q’s about potential illegal actions taken by members of Bladen Co Improvement PAC, which received $6k from NCDP in Oct ‘18. “I’m just hearing about this” he says. We first submitted questions last week #nc09 #ncpol pic.twitter.com/tSOxUQzKfv
— Nick Ochsner (@NickOchsnerWBTV) December 11, 2018
‘Just hearing about this’? If you believe that, I’ve got some swampland in Florida to sell you. Actually, we KNOW this isn’t the first Mr. Goodwin is hearing of this:
Last week when I appeared on @NCCapTonight with @WayneGoodwinNC, I brought up the Bladen County Improvement Association and @NCDemParty‘s contribution to that PAC. This is not the first he’s heard of it. It’s on video. #NC09 #NCPOL https://t.co/BNe5xjrCBG
— Brent Woodcox (@BrentWoodcox) December 11, 2018
Republican legislative leaders held a press conference Tuesday afternoon to explain legislation to comply with the court decision regarding the State Board of Elections. Throughout the process of investigation related to fraud in Bladen County, Republican state lawmakers have been pretty straightforward about getting to the bottom of it all and holding the perpetrators responsible, no matter which candidates they may have been pushing in their scams.
They were quick to include an amendment to the Voter ID implementation bill that implements further security measures for absentee voting, a bill almost no Democrats voted for. Now Republicans are acting to insure the Board can complete it’s investigation, despite the fact that the body is led by a Democratic cronies of Gov. Roy Cooper that admitted to ‘turning a blind eye’ to sketchy GOTV activities previously.
The NCGOP is actually calling for a new election as well, in light of revelations that early vote totals were leaked in the 9th District before election day.
Republicans seem to be genuinely interested in secure and fair voting during election time. The Left appears interested only in scoring political points where they can, and ducking for cover when it ricochets back at them.
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