GREENSBORO – If you think the lockdown reactions taken by several cities, counties, and (starting 5 PM Monday) the State of North Carolina are a little overboard, this is likely to confirm that feeling. Three men were arrested in Greensboro Saturday for…praying outside of an abortion clinic. This is apparently a violation of the municipality’s quarantine orders.
There are plenty of reasonable precautions to take for us each to do our part in helping slow the spread and lessen the impact of this virus, but THIS is ridiculous. The emergency powers to regulate our movements have swept so quickly that they’ve washed right over our God-given rights, guaranteed to us in the Constitution.
Guilford County and the city of Greensboro enacted ‘stay-at-home’ orders that mandate the closures of non-essential businesses and ban gatherings of people. While most other elective surgeries have been postponed during the pandemic, abortion clinics remain open. These life advocates pray for and speak with those that may be aborting a child, letting them know there is another way. And they’re arrested for being outside and praying, while following all the social distancing guidelines, because law enforcement has been put in a position to use discretion in enforcing a draconian and vague control measure.
The N.C. Values Coalition shared the above video on their Facebook page and issued the following statement:
“Not even in communist China would police arrest three men for walking and praying on the street yet that is exactly what took place this afternoon in Greensboro. While obeying all laws and maintaining social distancing, Love-life volunteers were arrested for peacefully and legally praying outside an abortion clinic. Remember, even during a fight against a virus, Americans have constitutional rights to pray and exercise religious freedoms.
Americans are heroically rising to the challenge of social distancing and helping the vulnerable but there is one clear outlier – the abortion industry. Call on Governor Cooper to close abortion clinics, and redirect PPE and other medical equipment to coronavirus response now.”
The statewide ‘Stat-at-Home’ order goes into effect Monday at 5:00 PM. Is this the kind of enforcement we should expect?
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