RALEIGH – Due to the litigiousness of the political Left, each new week now begins awaiting court developments that stand to majorly affect an election merely two months away. This holiday-shortened week features judicial movement on two fronts, both battles waged by the Left against Republican legislatures.
On the amendments front, the North Carolina Supreme Court in Tuesday morning by denying the NAACP’s ludicrous request to keep Voter ID and Tax Rate Cap amendments off the ballot.
NC Supreme Court denies appeal writ in NC NAACP constitutional amendments case, clearing way for Voter ID and tax cap to be on ballot. (At some point there will be trial on the merits of the case) h/t @garydrobertson #ncpol pic.twitter.com/Exdv8eDwAW
— Gerry Cohen (@gercohen) September 4, 2018
This is the second time the NAACP has been rejected in its attempt to keep simple referenda from being decided by North Carolina voters.
At the time of publication the court had yet to rule on the other two amendments being challenged, judicial vacancies and the board of elections.
On the federal side of this ‘judicial campaign’ season comes word that the plaintiffs in the congressional district case have filed a motion requesting the Supreme Court of the United States shorten it’s regular schedules to expedite the review of the case by June of 2019.
That comes after Republican legislative defendants requested a stay from the SCOTUS citing the proximity to elections.
Plaintiffs in North Carolina partisan gerrymandering case want SCOTUS to rule in it by June 2019 pic.twitter.com/B3nyiaULF5
— Sam Levine (@srl) September 4, 2018
The defendants have until September 18 to respond. The plaintiffs’ request indicates that they are not opposed to stay the original order to re-draw congressional districts, but ask to also hasten the eventual ruling by halving the defendants window to file necessary statements with the court.
Either way, it is looking more as if 2018 elections will go forward on current maps and featuring six constitutional referenda on the ballot.
Stay tuned.
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