RALEIGH – There is no such thing as a free lunch, they say. That’s a reality the N.C. Council of State got in sync with after a party line vote to end extended eviction protections as of July 1. As it turns out, waving an executive order wand to say people don’t have to pay rent (and that the landlord can’t do anything about it), doesn’t really work out in economic terms.
Someone is paying for the tenants free lunch; but they won’t have to do it any longer. The vote to end the overreaching protections left Governor Roy Cooper pretty upset.
“It’s disappointing to see Council of State members revoke eviction protections for people still struggling to stay in their homes,” said Governor Cooper. “Many North Carolinians still need help and we will work to make sure landlords abide by the CDC evictions moratorium and that tenants can access rent and utility assistance from counties and the state HOPE program.”
‘Need’ is the operative word here. To Cooper, and modern Democrats who’ve openly embraced the Marxist precepts, one favored group’s ‘need’ trumps any individual’s right, especially to property.
Obviously there are many fundamental problems with this premise, but one of them is the subjective nature of determining need, and whose needs to favor. We’re sure there are plenty of readers that could make a solid case to King Cooper that they “need help” paying this bill or that one. What’s the basis for denying them their need? There is none, because the premise is subjective at the outset.
While the Republicans on the Council of State voted down the extension, that doesn’t mean property owners and landlords are free to actually collect rents for the property THEY OWN.
You can still qualify for eviction protection if you:
- Received a federal stimulus check in 2020 or 2021
- Were not required to report income to the IRS in 2020
- Earn less than $99,000 ($198,000 filing jointly) per year
- Cannot make rent payments due to lost income
As such, the overruling of property rights is still in force.
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