RALEIGH – Governor Roy Cooper is hard at work pushing the vaccine on North Carolinians, issuing ultimatums and sounding like President Joe Biden as he holds the state hostage to an arbitrary vaccination goal. With vaccination rates among adults stalling well short of that mark, it seems Cooper is looking to make up the difference by jabbing kids with the vaccine.
With North Carolinians 12+ eligible to get their shot, we’re even closer to moving past this pandemic. This vaccine is an easy and effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones, so let’s keep encouraging the people in our lives to get their shot.https://t.co/B5hpaK5I0S
— Governor Roy Cooper (@NC_Governor) May 14, 2021
This entire article could be hyperlinked — each letter! — with accounts of ‘science and data’ demonstrating why 12 year olds are not at serious risk of catching the virus, an even lower risk of suffering from the virus, and scantly shown to be spreading this virus. As in, the risk is so low that the vaccinations of otherwise healthy 12-16 year olds is utterly superfluous.
It amounts to pressuring kids into unnecessary medical care in order to satisfy the virtue signaling adults who’ve constructed a fear and compliance regime around coronavirus.
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