RALEIGH – Back in March we highlighted how social justice warriors were protesting the State’s housing of a transgender felon (a biological male) in a prison with other men, and lobbying Governor Roy Cooper to rescue Kanautica Zayre-Brown from what they deemed unfair treatment. And it appears Cooper has completely given in to the Leftist agitators judging by an announcement last week that Zayre-Brown will be transferred to a women’s prison facility by this summer.
Zayre-Brown has been in a prison matching her biological sex for over a year for multiple counts of insurance fraud. Supporters of Zayre-Brown’s social justice grievance, including the ACLU, promised to sue the State of North Carolina if it did not provide hormone treatments and complained Zayre-Brown lived in fear. Cooper, himself overly familiar with suing until one gets their way, continues to pander to the Left at every turn.
Of course, taxpayers will be the ones footing the bill for Zayre-Brown’s hormone therapy and the transfer may mark a first for the Old North State. So, not only will the State play along with the dysphoria of one transgender person, the precedent of yielding on to pressure from the trans-activists on this issue is sure to invite more requests for inmate facility transfers.
From Raleigh News & Observer:
[…] In its release, the ACLU said its fight isn’t over.
“Each day that Kanautica is held in a men’s facility is a day that her constitutional rights are violated and her health compromised,” said Chase Strangio, attorney for the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project. “We will stay vigilant until she is transferred and then for the rest of her sentence until she is released. So many trans women across the country — particularly Black trans women — are funneled into the criminal legal system where they face severe risk of harm once incarcerated. Our community is under attack and we are working to minimize that violence.”
Zayre-Brown belongs in a women’s facility, Shah said in the release.
“It should never have taken this long for officials to recognize that Kanautica’s health, safety, and dignity are all jeopardized by keeping her in a men’s facility,” Shah said. “We will keep fighting to make sure that she is transferred to a women’s facility as soon as possible.”
The ACLU sent officials a letter on March 4 demanding Zayre-Brown’s transfer. […]”
Apparently repeatedly breaking the law entitles you to free elective medical treatments and dignified accommodations. Who knew?
Zayre-Brown is currently housed in a men’s facility in Harnett County, where ‘she’ has not been subject to any negative treatment according to authorities. It’s not been revealed to which women’s prison the biological male and habitual felon will be transferred.
Read more here.
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