RALEIGH – It’s a hard time, economically, for a whole lot of people across the country and in North Carolina. The governor’s executive orders to close our economy down in a panicked response to the coronavirus resulted in the fastest job losses the State has ever seen. Businesses are going bust, livelihoods have been ruined, and what was supposed to be a temporary collective effort to ‘flatten the curve’ has been revealed as much more protracted and damaging.
It is within this context that Governor Roy Cooper’s new campaign video begging for donations is cringeworthy.
Translation: ‘I know my unilateral decisions are likely responsible for hundreds of thousands of lost jobs, reduced incomes, and failed local businesses, but I would really like to retain my dictatorial powers and I need more of your money to do it. The great part is, if you help elect me, and I get my way, I’ll take even more of your money via taxes. So please, can you help us out? Benny really appreciates it. Look! A bow tie.’
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