RALEIGH – Democrat Governor Roy Cooper’s 2020 campaign for reelection, originally launched in New York City, is attacking presumptive Republican challenger Dan Forest as sympathetic to the ‘extreme’ Tea Party movement. In a fundraising email, Cooper warns that Forest is **GASP** for gutting Obamacare and against the minimum wage.
So, Forest wants to dismantle the enormous boondoggle that is President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation. The law, passed before we were to find out what’s in it, that got the government between you and your doctor, raised prices drastically, and was nothing more than a massive redistribution of wealth?
Cooper also suggests Forest doesn’t believe government should be dictating prices, even for labor. To a Republican, or anyone with a semblance of respect for the Constitution and this reverence for limited government, these aren’t demerits for Forest, they’re selling points.
Alas, the audience for this fundraising email is Democrat donors, so the scare tactics about ‘extreme Tea Party’ candidates are simply red meat to drive dollars in the door for Cooper and mobilize Democrat voters to the polls. It does however reiterate that Cooper and other Democrats regard those interested in small, constitutional government that taxes citizens less and respects our God-given individual rights as dangerously extreme.
Think about that. To Cooper, the founding principles of this nation, the very ‘American idea’ itself, is extreme and must be fought tooth and nail. Such a perspective says more about how extreme the Democrats have become, than Republicans like Forest, who the Cooper calls ‘the most far right elected official the state has seen in decades.’
This kind of flak should encourage the Forest campaign. It also creates an opening to contrast the ‘extreme’ nature of Forest with that of Cooper, who just gloated over vetoing a bill to protect the lives of babies that survive abortion attempts and are born-alive. Does the Democrat that thinks a $15 an hour government mandated minimum wage is way too low really want to start a conversation with voters (and small-business owners) about ‘extreme’ policies?
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