ELIZABETH CITY – As protests continue to erupt in Elizabeth City, with impatience regarding release of more bodycam footage of the shooting of 42 year old Andrew Brown reaching a crescendo, fueling rising tensions, drawing national attention, and taking on a narrative form America is all too familiar with in recent years.
Instead of risking the historic coastal region’s descent into a BLM Inc sponsored circus of critical race theorists and Woke influencers, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is asking for cooler heads to prevail. In an interview with Newsmax TV, Robinson admonished protesters to ‘slow down and allow the justice system to take its course.’
Robinson knows that no one benefits, especially the family of Brown, from allowing this shooting to be usurped by and exploited by politically motivated agitators that want to foment chaos. In order for those forces to be denied harbor in Elizabeth City, locals interested in real truth and accountability must reject any form of mob justice.
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