YOUNGSVILLE – Former Marine and former Republican N.C. House member (2011-2012) Glen Bradley has declared his candidacy for North Carolina House District 7. Bradley, an IT business owner, considers himself a strict constitutionalist and sports a voting record to back it up.
In a press release announcing his run, Bradley highlights policy positions and a Semper Fi attitude that should endear Republican voters to his integrity and loyalty to first principles.
“All around us we see people elected to office who fail to uphold the principles we elected them for, who compromise with the establishment we oppose, who fail to stand up for what is right and what is good, and who do not hesitate to sell out for personal political gain.”
Despite great progress made under Republican state leadership since 2011, too often self-labeled conservatives are quick to abandon those implied conservative principles in favor of their pet issues, or lobbying dollars.
Witness, for instance, the continuation of renewable energy subsidies and mandates, Hollywood Handouts, corporate incentive packages, and continuation of antiquated and destructive policies like Certificate of Need healthcare regulations.
As the number of stalwart conservatives in the Republican majorities dwindle, Bradley would be one more voice in support of protecting the core principals that sparked formation of the inimitable American idea.
“Conservatives around the State have asked me to step up, and now that the new legislative districts have arrived, I will respond to that call.
I am running on my record not from my record, and it is high time to put people into the General Assembly who have the integrity and the courage to speak truth to power.
In times like these — especially in times like these — we need people who will stand on principle, and refuse to cave on the principles we hold dear.
I am NOT a career politician, I am just a regular working guy who can clearly see what needs to be done, and I am willing to step up and do it.
Please consider voting for me, Glen Bradley, on Tuesday May 8th, 2018; and please consider a generous contribution to elect a stalwart Constitutional Conservative to the NC State House.
You can learn more about Glen Bradley’s voting record and policy positions at his website here.
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