RALEIGH – Republican primary races earlier this month unfortunately resulted in the defeat of a few solid conservatives. One of those conservatives was the outspoken N.C. House Rep. Beverly Boswell (R-Dare), as she lost out to an environmentalist RINO, Bobby Hanig, that appears to have more in common with Roy Cooper than grassroots conservatives.
However, it appears there is a movement afoot to draft Boswell into the brand new Constitution Party of North Carolina to challenge Hanig and the Democrat in November.
A new website has been launched making the case for drafting Boswell and instructing her just how to make that happen.
“Beverly and the people of Dare County need YOUR VOTE to protect North Carolinians from career politicians and those who don’t believe in the power of the Constitution like Beverly does.
Beverly’s outgoing and outspoken personality set her apart and will help her make North Carolina a place where new businesses are welcomed and flourish. Beverly is committed to fighting for lower taxes for everyone, pro-life values including defunding Planned Parenthood, a more efficient education system, the Right to Bear Arms, a criminal justice system that works for everyone and less government interference in our beach and waterway access.”
If Boswell does take a shot at it, conventional wisdom would be an assured win for the Democrat due to the Republican candidate and true conservative Constitution candidate splitting support from the Right. In this day and age of politics, though, relying on the conventional wisdom hasn’t always been the wisest thing to do.
After the Draft Boswell site was highlighted by the Daily Haymaker, a state lawmaker on the Left, House Minority Leader Darren Jackson (D-Wake), drew attention to possible legislative moves by House leadership to prevent losing Republican primary contenders from running on a different ticket in the general election.
Republican leaders are justifiably worried that defections to third (or fourth?) parties will hurt the Republican candidates. At some point, though, Republicans’ feet need to be held to the constitutional fire.
Maybe persistent competition from principled political parties is a good way to encourage follow through once a ostensibly conservative Republican goes from Main Street to Jones Street?
The Haymaker astutely observed that no such ‘sore loser’ legislation was brought about when the Green Party of NC achieved ballot access.
A better way to eliminate competition from conservatives jumping over to the Constitution Party of NC would be for Republicans to more thoroughly and loyally embody those principles themselves. After all, there wouldn’t be a need for such an alternative if Republicans actually walked the walk when it came to conservative principles.
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