Chocowinity – Long-time businessman and conservative Republican party leader Keith Kidwell recently announced his candidacy for the newly created N.C. House 79th District, which consists of all of Beaufort County and a small portion of Craven County.
“I’m running to help the taxpayers of Beaufort and Craven Counties. As someone who has been on the front lines to see the devastation that extensive taxation has on families and small businesses, I’m running to reduce taxes. Working families deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money. My first piece of legislation will be to reduce taxes on families and small business.”
Kidwell is a 25 year Beaufort County resident and small business owner. He has spent his career as an Enrolled Agent and tax accountant doing battle with and winning fights against government overreach from the likes of the Internal Revenue Service and the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
Kidwell’s conservative beliefs on taxes comes partly from an experience he had as a very young child. He went to the store to buy 100 pieces of bubble gum with the first dollar he earned and was told he could not buy all 100 because of taxes. The experience left quite an impression on him and contributed to his passionate stance as a taxpayer advocate.
State Senator Bill Cook (R Beaufort), who was drawn out of his current district and is retiring, is serving as Chairman of the Campaign Steering Committee, Aurora Mayor Clif Williams who is serving as the Vice-Chairman, and several other members of the committee along with Kidwell’s wife and family.
Kidwell, a longtime conservative Republican Party activist, currently serves in several positions within the Republican Party at the County, Congressional District and State levels. Kidwell was a Delegate from North Carolina to the 2016 Republican National Convention which nominated Donald Trump for President.
“I’m excited about this opportunity to represent the citizens of Beaufort and Craven Counties and look forward to talking with them during the campaign. Raleigh needs more conservatives and I am ready to do battle with Governor Roy Cooper,” exclaimed Kidwell in his announcement.
With a new legislative districts and a slim margin for Republican super-majorities, Kidwell could play an important part in continued conservative tax reforms on Jones Street. The new district has yet to be officially sanctioned by the courts, however, it leans heavily in favor of Republicans with Trump, Burr, and McCrory picking up about 2/3 of every vote in 2016.
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