The gentleman from Pender County has been a back-bencher for most of his career on Jones Street. He’s dismissed for his *silly* devotion to conservatism, limited government, and stuff like THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Quite often — even in a Republican controlled House — his sensibly conservative bills get spit on, stomped on, and set afire.
Raleigh, like DC, is run by a bi-partisan group of elites who think they are smarter than we are, and know better than we do. While Republicans vs. Democrats is a serious competition and rivalry to us in the real world, it’s more like Kiwanis vs. Rotary for the inside-the-beltline crowd. Two not so different different clubs. Scooping up as much of other people’s money as they can. Telling other people how to live.
Well, Chris got their attention this week with his call for impeachment proceedings against ‘Occupy’ Elaine Marshall. Marshall is protected by the Raleigh cartel — just like Roy Cooper and Beth Wood have been. The NCGOPe will allow for token opposition — if any — to put up the appearance of being adversarial. But there never is any serious effort to oust her.
Back during the 2016 campaign, Marshall’s GOP opponent raised the issue of her making illegal aliens notary publics. Our state’s worthless drive by media ignored the whole thing. (I think The Daily Caller gave it some national attention.)
Millis picked the issue back up this year. He held a press conference earlier that also drew yawns from the chattering class of our capital city and the alleged guardians of The First Amendment.
Now, the man from Pender has upped the ante. Start investigating corruption and law-breaking by elected officials in Raleigh and things could get right busy and right crowded.
When he presented the resolution to move forward with the probe of Marshall, Millis took some heat from Democrats — as well as from Speaker Timmy toadie Nelson Dollar (who was the subject of some controversy with his colleagues regarding financial management).
Now, a day later. Millis is taking heat in the driveby media. WRAL’s Queen Dumpster Diver Laura Leslie took her marching orders from Progress NC, strapped on her Doc Martens, and tried to tie Millis to tweets of “gay slurs.”
Apparently, someone has recently been tweeting with the account for the NC Conservative PAC. Millis was involved with the group during the 2016 primary season, but has had little to no involvement since. Leftists (and Leslie) are taking year-old releases with Millis’s name on them and using them as “evidence” to suggest he condoned and wrote the vulgar tweets.
It’s kind of like condemning WRAL for Leslie’s offensive and biased Facebook postings about Christian conservatives, gun owners, andRepublicans under the rainbow flag of the militant homosexual movement. Can WRAL be held accountable for what she does off-duty on her iPhone?
(One of the tweets actually questions the heterosexuality of House Democrat leader Darren Jackson. I think one member of the House disparaging another member of the House like that –publicly — would constitute a violation of House rules and subject them to sanctions. Chris Millis is too smart to stray into that kind of territory.) He doesn’t even keep his OWN Twitter feed current.
It’s not hard to hijack a Facebook or Twitter account. (A lot of politicians don’t even write the social media posts that go up under their names.)
It is interesting that Leslie gets this dropped in her lap the day after Millis lowers the boom on Marshall. (The language in the Tweets doesn’t even sound like Millis.)
People have targeted me and this site because we rock the boat, turn over rocks, and shine light into the darkness. Chris Millis is one of the few souls left in that town standing up for the “little people” in the hinterlands. He should wear this like a badge of honor.
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