NC HOUSE 83 – Rep. Larry Pittman (R-Cabarrus) is in his fifth term in the N.C House of Representatives, and for the better part of the last decade he has voted consistent with his conservative campaigns and definitely hasn’t been shy taking a stand against the crowd. It can only be expected then, that such a principled conservative be targeted during a primary.
With a newly drawn district, Cabarrus County attorney Jay White has announced his intentions to challenge Pittman to represent the 83rd NC House District on Jones Street.
From White’s announcement:
“I am seeking the Republican nomination for House District 83 because my experience and my proven record of leadership and community involvement will enable me to serve our district. The people of the 83rd District are my friends; you are my family. Together, united by our shared values, we can make Cabarrus County and North Carolin a better place for ourselves and our children.”
Those shared values are evidently Republican ones, just different enough from Pittman’s that he deserves a challenge apparently. In what way they are different will ultimately define that primary race. Somewhat notorious for controversial words on history and it’s widely venerated figures, and White is quick to pounce upon that red meat to fuel his primary launch.
“Mr. Pittman has made national headlines for calling for the resumption of public hangings and comparing President Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler,” he also stated in his announcement.
Like we said, Pittman has made some eyebrow-raising comments. Yet, White immediately adopts the Democrats’ line of attack on Pittman and his past statements. Providing no context, with a plain motivation to smear, reduce the comments to the most damning thing possible. If it sounds familiar, it’s because the tactic is employed everyday against another (considerably more) notable politician whose plain language offends the chattering classes.
Despite it all, Pittman’s voting record is unmistakably conservative and he’s been elected five times. That should indicate that his constituents understand him to be more than those bad headlines. Though with a new district makeup, the voter landscape cab be transformed enough to create an opening, which White is taking advantage of.
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