RALEIGH – The 2018 election cycle in North Carolina features a lot of promising young conservative talent challenging entrenched Republicans who have too often abandoned principle for pragmatism. Isaac Burke is yet another great example as he challenges incumbent Rep. Chris Malone (R-Wake Forest) in the N.C. House District 35 GOP primary.
Burke is the kind of candidate that is animated first and foremost by the principles of limited government outlined in the U.S. Constitution. His opponent, however, has demonstrated that principles are not nearly as important as public approval numbers.
Malone was one of the first Republicans to fold like a cheap suit when the Left turned up the heat on House Bill 2, calling for a full and immediate repeal, rather than defending the common sense privacy regulations the legislation implemented for state facilities.
Contrast the with Burke’s position on privacy:
“Every person has a right to privacy when using our public facilities, and no woman or young girl should ever be forced to share any public restroom, shower room, or locker room with a grown man. As your representative, I will defend every woman’s right to privacy in public facilities, and never put a price tag on your safety.”
If Malone’s call for a full repeal were acted on, liberal city councils like Charlotte would have had free reign to fine private businesses for daring to discriminate against men entering women’s bathrooms.
Faced with a young and principled conservative challenger, Malone has now apparently taken to maligning Burke as an immature liar in campaign mailers. Burke isn’t taken the slander lightly:
“It’s sad to see my opponent stooping to this level,” Burke said. “My staff and I have treated my opponent with nothing but the utmost respect and fairness, but we have not received the same treatment. The only criticism of my opponent by this campaign has been based exclusively on his liberal statements and voting record, and all of our claims have been carefully documented. These ad hominem attacks only serve to confirm that Malone is ashamed of his liberal voting record, and doesn’t want conservative voters to know about it.”
As his about face on H.B. 2 indicates, Chris Malone is a fair weather Republican that will abandon principles when the going gets tough.
Burke, on the other hand, is a dedicated pro-life, pro-capitalism, pro-gun rights candidate that would rather defend these principles than cater to the latest poll-tested positions of the Chamber of Commerce.
Burke has a 100 percent pro-gun rating from Grass Roots North Carolina, and a perfect score from the NRA Political Victory Fund, besting Malone when it comes to the increasingly threatened Second Amendment.
If Republican primary voters in District 35 want real conservative representation, instead of a fence sitting opportunist with a habit of supporting liberal positions, the choice Tuesday should be an easy one.
Learn more about Isaac Burke and the principles he’d like to take to Jones Street here.
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