Uh-oh. We’ve got mail.
We obtained an email briefing from NCGOP chairman candidate Jim Womack to his inner circle of supporters. It reveals a few interesting nuggets of information.
First, Womack reveals his belief that both sides in the NCGOP chairman’s race are focusing their energy now, in the waning days of the campaign, on the western side of the state. Womack, in the email, tells his supporters of some events out that way. He also points out that the Hayes team has a number of things scheduled in that neck of the woods over the next several days.
Here’s where it gets really interesting. Womack tells his supporters that he has secured a commitment from a “political superstar” to introduce him from the floor at the NCGOP convention. (He does not name the “superstar.”) But the name I’ve heard from a number of sources close to the Womack campaign definitely qualifies as a “jaw-dropper.”
Womack also tells his team he has heard from four different incumbent Members of Congress from North Carolina who have said they’ve been approached by Team Hayes for an endorsement. He says the four told him they declined to take a side in the race. (That’s interesting, given the stampede by every elected Tom, Dick, and Harry to endorse Craig Collins the last go-’round.)
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