WASHINGTON, D.C. – One advantage of being the first out of the gate in a statewide primary is making the first appeal for endorsements that can further build momentum and separate a candidate from the pack. Former Republican Congressman Mark Walker is demonstrating such, and today picks up an endorsement from a sitting North Carolina Congressman with national name ID — Freshman Representative Madison Cawthorn (NC-11)
Cawthorn told Politico, “Right now, I’m fully behind Mark Walker.”
“Mark is exactly the kind of leader we need in North Carolina and in America,” Cawthorn said, according to a draft email of his endorsement announcement.
“He is a man of faith whose allegiance is to God, not to lobbyists or special interests in DC.”
— Olivia Beavers (@Olivia_Beavers) February 10, 2021
Cawthorn, only a month or so into office, has nonetheless built a high profile. He’s also no stranger to crowded and competitive primaries; Cawthorn emerged from a field of a dozen primary candidates, similarly competing for an open seat being vacated by a Republican incumbent, and won a runoff against a heavily backed, Trump-endorsed opponent.
And who was the first congressman to back Cawthorn in 2020? Then-Congressman Mark Walker.
Read Congressman Cawthorn’s full endorsement of Mark Walker for US Senate, here.
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