Gov. Roy Cooper’s handpicked hack to lead the N.C. State Board of Elections seems to have more and more conflicts of interest popping up concerning the yet to be certified 9th Congressional District race amid ongoing fraud investigations.
From the Daily Haymaker:
NC state elections board chairman Joshua Malcolm already has an ethical dilemma on his hands — chairing an investigation into campaign dealings in his home county involving a political machine he has long defended and supported.
The current hubbub over the Ninth Congressional District got started via a concern registered by Malcolm. Well, campaign finance reports filed by the North Carolina Democratic Party indicate that quite possibly at least TWO of Malcolm’s close family members were on the party’s campaign “payroll.” They were paid via the party’s “federal” account — which is meant to be used on federal races.
The only federal race going on in November was the Ninth Congressional District. And the state Democratic Party would have been spending money from that account on behalf of Democrat candidate Dan McCready.
See the reports, and how the Democrats were paying for the same kind of work that has landed the campaign of Mark Harris in such hot water, here.
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