HILLSBOROUGH – Orange County North Carolina would not be mistaken for a conservative place, politically speaking. The area, with the state’s flagship university, is known for being just as blue as the Carolina sky, but that doesn’t mean support for the Left’s radical pushes in education is uniform.
Quite the contrary, there are a healthy contingent of parents and community stakeholders that see indoctrination like Critical Race Theory for the poison that it is. A group named Concerned Citizens of OCS has formed and launched a website to detail and expose the en vogue indoctrination, and call for citizen action to retrain the county’s focus on sound education and First Principles.
Local parents are taking action to lay bare exactly is going on in their public schools and how explicitly it runs contrary to classic American values of individualism, equality, intrinsic value, and meritocracy. Oh, and the whole not making race a determining factor in society and self-worth thing.
“Critical race theory is the practice of putting race first. When thinking about educational practices, inequalities, policies etc – the first emphasis is on race. The purpose is to recognize ways in which structural racism has influenced our education system in terms of funding, access to opportunity, and hiring practices.
It reduces humans to the color of their skin. White is bad. Black is victim. And Latinos? They simply don’t exist in this dialogue.
The creation and hiring of a Chief Equity Officer.
The creation and hiring of 2 Equity Facilitators – starting salary $71,000.
Countless hours of teacher training in Equity. There are some samples below.
Equity Teams at each school. These teams meet regularly to discuss racism at their school and how to approach it. They also did the research for the recent school name changes.
Frequent support of Black Lives Matter. This is often in the format of emailed updates that it is not a political movement. It’s an idea, a movement.
Equity “Warriors” announced each month. This is staff recognition for promoting equity based initiatives. Some of those Equity Warriors, are clearly breaking board policy on their social media sights by posting materials about students (Board Policy 7335) and posting materials that are clearly making use of their position to oppose political positions (Board Policy 7720). Meanwhile they are championed by ELECTED School Board Members.
A strong push for use of “Black Lives Matter in Schools” materials during African American History Month. Samples https://www.blacklivesmatteratschool.com/
$200,000 to change the names of two schools. […]”
It is pervasive, persistent, and empowered by a sociopolitical movement that is as openly Marxist and Anti-American as a movement can be. This is NOT ‘that one liberal teacher in school’ that you encountered when you were a kid, or the lot of them one might have endured in college. This is a widespread, organized push through out education, business, social society — culture wide — to end the ‘American idea’ as such.
It warrants energetic opposition at every turn, and in every corner of our state and nation.
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