WASHINGTON, D.C. – In his first major speech since taking office, and states and communities around the country reopening after a year of devastating Pandemic Panic lockdowns, President Joe Biden addressed the nation Thursday night to tell Americans he’ll be letting them know what they will be allowed to do.
Oh, not now; these new grants of freedom will come, fittingly, around July 4th:
“I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn or when you can find an opportunity and to help your family, your neighbors to get vaccinated as well. If we do our part. If we do this together, by July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard, or your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events, with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together.”
“The more people are fully vaccinated, the CDC will continue to provide official guidance on what you can do in the work place, places of worship, with your friends, as well as travel.” […]
“In the coming weeks we will issue guidance on what you can and cannot do when fully vaccinated. […]”
Does someone want to tell him?
We’d wager that the vast majority of Americans have for weeks or months been taking it upon themselves to assume the risk of such things such as small groups in the back yard, or over to the house, or going to work and traveling to a place you need or want to go.
It’s a safe bet that relates to the other something making Biden’s lecture so objectionable….
That first-in-history nation established in a Declaration of Independence — from a King that kept telling us what we could and could not do, mind you — and founded upon the moral precept of Individual Liberty.
Once upon a time Biden’s speech would be met with the righteous indignation expected of a free people being dictated to; now much of the country thanks Leader Biden (and the Cabal) for allowing us these privileges and keeping us safe.
The other half of the country are still quite aware of the self-evident truths this nation emanates from. We’ll give you one guess as to what kind of response to those people have for Biden’s decrees.
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