RALEIGH – After several years on the back burner, climate change/global warming hysterics from Leftists are heading back to a full boil. With the advent of Hurricane Florence, these Leftists are all too happy to use it as “evidence” of man-made climate change and then suggest Big Government, liberty-reducing, completely ineffective policies to fix it.
Just type in ‘climate change + hurricanes’ into a Google search and watch the results stack up with recent stories on how the man-made pollution is leading to worse and more frequent storms.
Yes, playing Chicken Little on climate change is back en vogue. In North Carolina, the News & Observer is playing its part, publishing an op-ed to that effect and offering the requisite Big Government solution: Make more people buy more flood insurance.
The scare tactics always end the same way. First, stoke a massive sense of alarm; second, suggest Big Government policy ‘A’ is the only feasible way to address it.
Never mind that all of this “settled science” has plenty of scientific opposition. Never mind that these same agenda driven media people routinely contradict themselves in the weather vs climate conversation. Never mind that a ‘mostly’ free society is demonstrably the most efficient way to achieve cleaner and more prosperous societies.
Nope, just vote for Democrats and the government will protect you and set those evil capitalists straight.
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