RALEIGH – We all know that a lot of money is injected into politics. It makes sense; due to the size and scope of the government, politics is a consequential business and interest groups have a lot on the line.
Money on ads, funding candidates, but what about when partisans inject the money directly into the local skunkworks that make elections happen? That’s what Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and his wife did, donating $350 million to a group that then turned around and parceled it out to local election officials, essentially financing their elections.
Millions landed right here in North Carolina, and where it did, it has a curious effect of elevating Joe Biden in a big way.
From Carolina Journal‘s Johnny Kampis:
“Donald Trump won the state by 177,000 votes over Hillary Clinton in 2016, but the Democrats cut the margin of victory by more than half in 2020, when Trump won by 74,000 votes over Joe Biden.
Capital Research Center noted that Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, donated $350 million to the Center for Technology and Civic Life, which in turn gave the money to local election officials. CRC argues that the formerly small group “became an activist juggernaut with the means to effectively manage the election in numerous cities and battleground states across the nation.”
CRC said $4.3 million of these “Zuck bucks” went to 34 North Carolina cities and counties, in addition to a $1 million grant to the state board of elections. CRC said Biden gained about 80,000 votes in the counties that received the grants. […]”
Wow. That’s a lot of bang for Zuck’s bucks.
And this is just North Carolina. Trump still won the Old North State, but in places like Pennsylvania and Georgia, even more Zuck Bucks flowed in to help ensure those states were flipped and Biden waltzed into the White House.
Read more about it here.
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