RALEIGH – Well, since he’s spent the last several months doing joining the masses in their best Chicken Little impression, it might make sense that Governor Roy Cooper is too chicken to debate Dan Forest.
So, he’s going to need some convincing, and you can help. Forest is running a Debate Challenge petition that needs your signature:
“Governor Roy Cooper and Lt. Governor Dan Forest have both been invited by CBS 17 and Spectrum News to debate head-to-head on stage in front of a live statewide broadcast audience.
Dan Forest has accepted the challenge.
With our economy shut down, riots in the streets, schools closed, and 1 million people unemployed, the people of North Carolina deserve to hear from both candidates a plan to set things right.
The voters of this state deserve no less.
Be heard. Add your name to pressure Governor Cooper to accept the debate challenge.”
You can sign the petition here.
Cooper was recently asked at one of his frequent “emergency” press conferences if he would debate Forest at all before election day. He wryly said he would not talk about campaign politics during the weekly COVID-19 “The Sky is Falling” update. He said to ask his campaign, and then continued to soak up “emergency” airtime in a way that only incumbents running for reelection do.
What are you so scared of, Governor Cooper? Would be shame if you actually had to address criticisms of your leadership during the most tumultuous time in recent memory.
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