(Allen Chesser is a Christian, a husband, a father, a combat veteran and a former candidate for U.S. House of Representatives. Allen deployed to Iraq with B. Bttry. 5/113 Field Artillery from 2005-2006, where he completed over 100 combat missions as turret gunner, and also served his community as a police officer with the Town of Nags Head and the City of Raleigh.)
If 2020 has shown us anything it’s the People no longer feel that they are being heard. Regardless of your opinion of BLM or Antifa, what gave their movement momentum in the summer and spring was the feeling that their hurt and concerns were discarded and marginalized— ignored — by those elected to be their voice; the same can be said for the events in D.C. during the electoral certification.
So how do we fix it? Not by ignoring the cries of others simply because they don’t stand on the same side of the isle as us or they “didn’t do it right”. This year has taught us that reason gives way to passion when people feel they have no voice, so our job is simple: we listen.
To be clear, We should not condone or excuse the violence of any individuals or groups involved, and those that commit to such actions should face consequences. But we must also begin to once again acknowledge the humanity of our fellow Americans. I fear that we have been politically divided so efficiently and for so long that we are now beginning to see our fellow Americans, our brothers and sisters, as the enemy. We have begun to believe that “they” want to destroy our country, that “they” are agents of some greater evil and we have forgotten that “they” are us, because We are The People.
The feelings of anger, of being ignored, or of having our rights trampled; they are all justified. But we must ensure that we harness that energy for the betterment of our nation and not it’s destruction. The voice of the unheard has been our rallying cry since the inception of our great nation. We must be sure that we are not rushing to violence to the detriment of our principles, our nation and our fellow Americans. We must insure that we are not viewing our political opponents through a lens of “republican” or “democrat”, “socialist” or “Nazi”; but as someone who deserves the promise of liberty as much as we do. I believe that a return to the founding principles of limited government and a renewed focus on individual liberty and freedom for all Americans; that seeing our fellow Americans through this lens will allow us to see that there is still more that unites us than divides us.
I pray that we no longer allow ourselves to be divided, as a People, for political purposes. That we once again see the wisdom in the call to love our neighbors as ourselves. I pray that we unite as a People, find peaceful means to air our grievances and come together to remove those elected officials who refuse to listen and those that continue to work to divide us.
Allen Chesser
(Allen Chesser is a Christian, a husband, a father, a combat veteran and a former candidate for U.S. House of Representatives. Allen deployed to Iraq with B. Bttry. 5/113 Field Artillery from 2005-2006, where he completed over 100 combat missions as turret gunner, and also served his community as a police officer with the Town of Nags Head and the City of Raleigh.)
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