CHARLOTTE – The Queen City is apparently working on a proposal to host the 2020 Republican National Convention, as reported by WBTV:
“The City of Charlotte announced Thursday that it is “evaluating options” to host the 2020 Republican National Convention.
Officials say the first step in submitting a proposal “highlighting all that Charlotte has to offer as a convention destination.”
“This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our city, our region and our state to the world,” said Mayor Vi Lyles.
The Queen City hosted the Democratic National Convention in 2012, drawing about 35,000 delegates, media, and visitors. According to officials, it was the largest event in the city’s history with an economic impact of more than $163 million.
The proposal to host the RNC is due at the end of February and is being spearheaded by the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority.”
If RNC 2020 were to be held in Charlotte, it wold definitely be an interesting contrast between a city that oozes Leftist identity politics and Big Government power, and a political party that stands for limited government and free markets.
One wonders if Charlotte would mandate trans-friendly bathroom accommodations?
It is a little ironic to witness Charlotte city officials courting the RNC, but it would offer North Carolina conservatives great access to the event, and possibly a platform for North Carolina congressional standouts like Rep. Mark Meadows to deliver a message of true conservatism.
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