Charlotte, North Carolina’s annual Gay Pride parade took place on August 27th in the Queen City.
There’s one group of gay activists, however, who were not allowed to partake. A group called Deplorable Pride, gay activists who support President Trump, have been banned from having a float in the parade.
Instead, they showed up to protest the event. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department upped its security for the event, in preparation for what was, at a few moments, a tense situation.
The mostly peaceful protest was met with some hostility by the “traditional” LGBT crowd, as shown in the video below:
I spoke with the founder of Deplorable Pride, Brian Talbert, who has been attending the Charlotte Pride Parade since its beginning.
“I was here 15 years ago when people were throwing bottles at us just for parading,” he told me indignantly. He was shocked that after so many years of support, he would get kicked to the curb for the way he voted in the 2016 election.
To that end, when I asked why he voted for Donald Trump, it sounded like his decision was largely economic. “It’s about time we had a businessman running things,” he said, adding that the President has delivered on his economic agenda thus far.
There was an immense sense of injustice among the Deplorable Pride protesters, who were excluded from officially participating in the Pride program.
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