CHAPEL HILL – As expected two opposing groups showed up at the site of the Silent Sam statue Thursday night to hold protests either for, or against the confederate war memorial that was toppled days ago. The Radical Left came out in full force, chanting the kind of slogans you’d expect from Social Justice Warriors and Antifa thugs.
“Chants of “Cops and Klan go hand in hand,” “Who do you protect? Who do you serve?” and “No cops, no KKK, no fascist USA” echoed through UNC Chapel Hill’s McCorkle Place on Thursday night as a large and rowdy group of protesters converged to stand against talk of returning the recently toppled “Silent Sam” statue to its place on campus.
In contrast, a group of approximately 40 to 50 demonstrators with Confederate flags and holding signs that read “Save our monuments, preserve our history” also gathered to call for the reinstallation of the monument to the Confederate soldiers who lost their lives in the Civil War.
The pro-statue folks drew the ire of counter-protesters, the latter of whom were responsible for the lion’s share of yelling, dancing and chanting throughout the night. They numbered between 200 and 250.”
So the crowd loudly equating the police to an abhorrently racist terrorist organization (KKK) is the one representing the views of all those ‘reasonable’ people out there that oppose the statue and made excuses for the mob violence that toppled it?
While the pro-statue group largely ignored the counter-protesters, they were quickly labeled Nazis by the Leftists and later tussles after dispersal orders were given lead to three arrests.
Expect this scene to repeat itself for as long as the statue controversy is stoked by the organized activists on the Left.
Read more here.
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