RALEIGH – At the end of Tuesday’s State Board of Elections evidentiary hearing on accusations of absentee ballot fraud in the 9th District Congressional race between Republican Mark Harris and Democrat Dan McCready, the star witness, McCrae Dowless declined to testify unless he was offered immunity.
Most of the day was spent in hearing testimony from workers who collected absentee ballots, both those working indirectly for Republicans and those working for Democrats.
While the press is focusing on Dowless’ refusal to testify, and the testimony of those that were paid by him, they are giving short shrift to testimony outlining how Democrats in Bladen County were doing the very same thing.
Precious Hall, a Bladen County resident, testified that she handed over a completed ballot to Lola Wooten and Sandra Goins, affiliated with the Democratic-aligned Bladen County Improvement Association.
This is the same illegal practice Dowless and his paid workers are accused of. If both sides are doing it, how will Democrats argue that the outcome of the election was influenced solely by the Republican campaign’s activities? (Not to mention that the math involved clearly doesn’t meet the threshold of changing the election result, either way)
Hall said that she filled out her ballot on her own, was witnessed by Goins (who she knows as “Squeaky”) and Wooten, and then sealed the ballot and gave it to the women. Only close relatives are allowed to handle someone else’s ballots according to the law.
Democrats would likely be discovered doing a lot more if the hearing starts talking about Robeson County.
You can watch day two of the hearing, live, below:
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