WASHINGTON, D.C. – As we hit the halfway point of summer, parents and students across North Carolina anxiously await the unilateral decree of Governor Roy Cooper as to how schools will operate in a resurgent Pandemic Panic. Some counties, like Wake, have already opted for a model that will have schools operate at a maximum 50 percent capacity, meaning a rotating schedule of in-school education followed by lots of ‘virtual instruction.’
It’s an absolute mess; sending parents scrambling to find sufficient alternative schooling options for their children. Private schools, many of which plan to hold traditional school schedules with sensible efforts to mitigate spread of the coronavirus, are being inundated with applications. And it’s all a product of politicians like Cooper peddling fear while basking in the power the said State of Fear provides them.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asserted in an interview with The Hill this week that, “having the schools actually closed is a greater public health threat to the children than having the schools reopen.”
Time and again, scientific studies have found, not only do children almost never get sick from SARS_CoV2, children are also extremely unlikely to be ‘vectors of transmission.’
In other words: There is no scientific, or medical reason, based on the ‘data and science,’ that suggest closing or truncating schools is of any benefit whatsoever. There is no evidence to suggest kids are at any elevated risk. There is no evidence to suggest kids become ‘spreaders’ of the virus and put others at risk.
To the contrary, parents are very familiar with the negative effects that come from keeping kids out of school; socializing; playing in sports; being with friends; and, well, getting an education in person.
From The Hill:
“[…] “I think really people underestimate the public health consequences of having the schools closed on the kids,” Redfield said at an event hosted by The Hill and sponsored by the Biosimilars Forum. “I’m confident we can open these schools safely, work in partnership with the local jurisdictions.”
The American Academy of Pediatrics has also called for students to return to classrooms, citing the educational and social harms to children of being away from school for a prolonged period of time. […]
“I don’t think we should go overboard in trying to develop a system that doesn’t recognize the reality that this virus really is relatively benign to those of us that are under the age of 20,” Redfield said. He added that there is a need to “protect the vulnerable,” such as children with underlying conditions, as well as teachers, but did not go into detail on how to do that. […]”
Yet, other organizations, like unionized, Far Left teacher’s groups are pushing against reopening schools. Teachers in general can be excused for being fearful; after all, anyone solely relying on legacy media and reactionary politicians to judge the current state of danger has been fed nothing but fear and panic for months now.
Governor Roy Cooper is one of these reactionary politicians. While he touts reliance on ‘Science and Data,’ his administration has routinely ignored any science or data that would suggest LESS authoritarian restrictions. The question of how to open schools won’t be any different.
And that’s a shame. The damage being done to our children by this embellished Pandemic Panic stunting education and the general personal growth that comes from social interactions with peers will not suddenly disappear after the election in November. One may be rightly suspicious, though, that the manufactured hysteria will.
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