WASHINGTON, D.C. – Well, that was fast.
After speaking on the stage at the ‘Save America’ rally on January 6, and subsequently (and correctly) pointing out that President Donald Trump’s speech in no way directed his supporters to engage in violence, Congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) is bowing to the sanctioned narrative and blaming Trump for ‘directing the crowd to the Capitol.’
From ABC11:
“[…] “I think when the president said we’re going to march down to the Capitol and I’m going to march with you that was a major mistake. He never should’ve directed that crowd toward the Capitol,” Cawthorn said. “The bad outcome was destined at that point.”
The apparent mea culpa from the congressman is significant in many ways, not least of which the contrast from Cawthorn’s own statements over the past few months, including a lively appearance at the conservative Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit. […]”
Yes; quite the contrast.
As someone in attendance for Cawthorn’s speech, Trump’s speech, and the march to the Capitol, it cannot be clarified enough that President Donald Trump DID NOT INCITE A RIOT, or an ‘insurrection’ as Pelosi and company are putting it in their article of impeachment.
For one, the plan of event organizers — the same organizers that put together scores of peaceful campaign events, peaceful March for Trump events, and lead by people who got their start in organizing peaceful Tea Party events — was ALWAYS to march to the U.S. Capitol after the speeches to make their voices heard.
Last time we checked, marches to the Capitol do not constitute insurrection, but a common practice for political movements to drive public awareness and register their displeasure at the seat of government. Trump’s mere reiteration that the crowd was marching to the Capitol was made in this context, and this context only, as made clear by his calls for peaceful demonstration.
Notably, by the time the president even mentioned the next item on the event itinerary, the actual troublemakers — the individuals actually responsible for the devolution on Capitol Hill — had already set about following through on their despicable intentions of committing and inciting violence.
While Cawthorn has seemingly adopted the narrative theme of ‘Trump Responsibility,’ he did, at least, give a proper and well-deserved dressing down of those ‘weak and pathetic’ individuals committing unlawful acts that day.
“[…] “We’ve slid back our movement years and years. We’ve lost years of progress. It’s a sad state of affairs,” Cawthorn said. “The Republican Party is leaderless right now. It’s very fluid trying to figure out what it is. My heart hurts for where the country is at just to see people with American flags and Trump flags, people who normally I associate with, storming our Capitol. It’s sickening and infuriating.”
Though he thinks the majority of Wednesday’s crowd was “peaceful,” Cawthorn still blasted the violent mob as “weak-minded and pathetic” and that “they lacked the self-discipline to check their own and anger and rage.” […]”
To that, we’ll say, ‘Hear, Hear!’
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