RALEIGH – In a press conference ThursdayThe reality on the ground, and in our hospitals, may be forcing Governor Roy Cooper to admit that this emperor has no clothes when it comes to justifying continued lockdown measures restricting select businesses and free assembly of groups. Especially in the immediate wake of Black Lives Matter/Antifa/[Insert Far Left Cause Here] protests and riots that all but erased the only very recently “official truth” of the absolute requirement for social distancing.
Cooper strolled right out of his mansion this week, joined a throng of woke warriors, and removed his face mask for a photo-op just days after scolding others’ protests as irresponsible and a danger to public health.
The contrast isn’t lost on owners of gyms, bars, and other businesses that remain under Cooper’s closure command. Many of them are suing Cooper for relief, and the mounting lawsuits might be forcing him to loosen his grip on is emergency power grab.
“Gov. Roy Cooper rolled out a new executive order and mentioned the possibility of a “phase 2.5” to open more businesses in industries that are currently suing the governor.
Cooper is facing a growing list of lawsuits being filed in an effort to halt his “phase two” order keeping certain businesses closed and restricting others. So far, the governor has been sued by churches, hair salons, multiple gym owners, adult entertainers, trampoline parks, bowling alleys.
As of today, the North Carolina Bar and Tavern Association has joined the list.
“The North Carolina Bar and Tavern Association today filed a lawsuit on behalf of 185 businesses to have private bars included under the same reopening safety rules as restaurants, eating establishments, wineries, distilleries, breweries, and private clubs,” said the statement on the association’s Facebook page.
The suit is seeking a temporary restraining order against Cooper’s executive order 141, in addition to a preliminary and permanent injunction.
Additionally, a coalition of a dozen news outlets including the New York Times and Associated Press are suing both Cooper and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)
Lawmakers are hitting Cooper’s orders from the other side and have already passed a bill to reopen taverns and bars and sent it to the governor on May 28. […]”
Prior to the Pandemic Panic, can you even imagine one man literally commanding business owners to close their doors and sacrifice their livelihoods? It’s surreal that such lawsuits even need to be filed, especially in the First in Freedom state, but it’s reflective of how extensively and rapidly people have ceded power to government at the expense of the individual rights of everyone.
Cooper will, no doubt, pat himself on the back for whatever allowances he issues with a “Phase 2.5” or Phase 3. A large contingent will get wrapped up in the resultant Stockholm Syndrome, helping him feel smug for simply taking his boot off the neck of businesses
Read more from NSJ.
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