CHAPEL HILL – While you’re likely to find people and communities across North Carolina that respect individuals regardless of their lifestyle choices, only a select few locales adhere to the Left’s radical LGBT policy dogma sufficient to win accolades from woke groups like the Orwellian-named Human Rights Commission. Our state certainly has those deep Carolina blue pockets, and it’s no surprise that they top the list in the aforementioned group’s list of ‘Top Towns’ for the LGBT community.
From the Daily Tar Heel (DTH):
“The report, which was released by the Humans Rights Campaign in late November, gave Chapel Hill a 78, one point behind Greensboro, which made the Town the second-highest scorer in the state.
Town Manager Maurice Jones said in a press release that recent changes in town policy, including the creation of a LGBTQ+ Resource Group, have contributed to the Town’s 6-point increase since 2018.
“Our goal is to make Chapel Hill the most inclusive community in the state of North Carolina, and the MEI report indicates we are heading in the right direction,” Jones said in the release. […]”
If by ‘inclusive,’ Jones actually means a Chapel Hill in which political activists lead mobs to destroy any signs of opposing thought, and where Leftists are celebrated for physically harassing and violently attacking people with different social views, we’d say they are right on track.
The DTH article goes on to lament that more towns couldn’t implement woke LGBT policies to punish private citizens that dare to disagree with the Left’s ‘Celebrate it or else’ policies in the wake of the House Bill 2 debacle. Remember, House Bill 2 was filed because the Charlotte City Council voted to fine any private business within their jurisdiction that dared to deny biological men access to the women’s bathrooms in their private business, or vice versa. The Left wishes such authoritarian enforcement of wokeness would be implemented everywhere.
If North Carolinians of a decidedly different political hue than the deep Carolina blue pockets in the state don’t show out in 2020, the Left just might have their way.
Read more gloating/whining about LGBT awards from the DTH.
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