MEXICO – Just weeks until the midterm elections the issue of illegal immigration and border security is front and center again as a thousands strong caravan of migrants from Central America and Mexico are very publicly heading to the U.S. border. President Donald Trump has called upon Mexican authorities to halt the progress, promising to deploy the military to the border to prevent a veritable invasion.
On the other side, the Left is actively encouraging the swelling caravan, trotting out tired talking points about refugees fleeing violence, and compassion, and border hawks being evil.
But while that has been featured on the evening news, you might think it a problem too far removed in distance to really affect things in the Old North State. Think again.
Most of them don’t have a destination. They just want to get there. Some have family and are heading there. A lot of people with family in North Carolina
— Emily Green (@emilytgreen) October 22, 2018
Ms. Green is a reporter embedded within the caravan, documenting the migrants’ trek northward. The fact the North Carolina stuck out – among all of the other information she is undoubtedly absorbing – as a destination for many of the migrants denotes significance.
Indeed, North Carolina has a high level of migrant labor, legal foreign residents, and illegal aliens. Many, like many of those in the caravan, likely came here because they saw an opportunity for a better life. Rules be damned. Sometimes that is the choice one makes.
But among the thousands of migrants in this caravan, “a lot […] with family in North Carolina,” how many of them are NOT ‘good people’ as it were?
Every month the NC FIRE report documents a lot of ‘bad’ illegal aliens that reside in North Carolina under the radar until they commit rape or sexual assault on a child. These crimes may have been wholly prevented, at least in this country, had we an immigration system that took law enforcement seriously, or a congress that paid the same attention to border security as they do to their own career security.
All the migrants in this caravan are not rapists, or murders, or thieves, or what not. Only the Left assigns such a straw man to those interested in border security and opposed to illegal immigration.
But 7,000 people, and not one of them represents a security risk to the people of the United States? The notion does not withstand even the most basic scrutiny. In all likelihood, with the press the caravan has been receiving and the safety in numbers tactic obviously being employed, quite a few unsavory people have attached themselves to this caravan. They are hoping to take advantage of the compassionate narrative from the Left, using the honestly desperate migrants among them for cover, to illegally gain entry to our country. And then they may come to North Carolina; they have family here.
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