Burr to Support, Tillis ‘Open Mind’ on Eve of Kavanaugh Smear Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The two Republican U.S. Senators from North Carolina very rarely score high marks from the conservative base that gives them the privilege of their esteemed positions. With the dramatic (and desperate) political theater Democrats have produced around President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh dominating the news cycle it presents a good opportunity for our senators to resist the smear campaign from the Left.

Sen. Richard Burr seems to be doing just that.

“[…] Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr said he will vote in support of Kavanaugh on the Senate floor, regardless of Thursday’s hearing.

Democrats made it clear they would stop at nothing to block President Trump’s Supreme Court pick before Judge Kavanaugh was even chosen as the nominee. President Trump has every right to nominate the individual of his choosing to the Supreme Court, and the Senate should go through the normal advice-and-consent process, as it has done for the last 12 weeks,” Burr said in a statement. “Immediately following the conclusion of Thursday’s hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee should vote up or down on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. I intend to support Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination when it comes before the full Senate.”

WRAL News asked Burr spokeswoman Caitlin Carroll whether his support could change if unfavorable evidence against Kavanaugh were to come out in the committee hearing.

He intends to support Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination in the full Senate,” Carroll responded.[…]”

So, Burr is a lock for Kavanaugh, correctly describing the the shameful smear tactics Democrats have favored of recent and vowing to not yield to such dirty tactics.

The Leftist WRAL reporters tried to pigeon hole Burr, but, to his credit, he is having none of it.

Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC), on the other hand, is not so sure.

“Republican U.S. Sen.Thom Tillis of North Carolina sits on the Judiciary Committee, and spokesman Daniel Keylin said Tillis will keep an open mind.

“The Judiciary Committee is fully investigating these serious allegations. Senator Tillis looks forward to hearing directly from Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh on Thursday and participating in a fair, respectful and evidence-based process for all sides,” Keylin said in a statement.”

With such thin margins in the senate, and on the judiciary committee, a single ‘No’ vote from a Republican would sink Kavanaugh. Tillis is on the judiciary committee, and he is non-committal on Kavanaugh.

Now, Tillis may indeed end up voting to confirm the president’s nominee, but his statement is typical of his habit of trying to appease the Left and the media. His haughty statesman act commonly includes deriding conservatives and pushing the Left’s agenda in the name of bipartisanship.

Is Tillis blind to the Democrat leadership’s ways, or does he like holding hands across the aisle so much that he’s not willing to speak plainly about their desperate attempts to block a perfectly qualified judicial nominee from taking the bench?

Reading the take from the hardcore Leftists at the Progressive Pulse tells you all you need to know about the image Tillis has tried to cultivate among those on the wrong side of political philosophy.

They laud the junior senator for his views and efforts in areas like immigration policy, climate change, and Trump resistance. They then posit that Friday’s vote will be the most important of his career, before suggesting the decent thing to do is vote ‘No.’

Let’s hope this isn’t an occasion in which Tillis embraces his vanity, because the Leftists are right on one thing – we’ll be watching.

More here.


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