WASHINGTON, D.C. – It is all progressing quite quickly now. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) is resigning his post as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, after the senator was served with a warrant by the FBI as part of an ongoing insider trading investigation.
McConnell: “Senator Burr contacted me this morning to inform me of his decision to step aside as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee during the pendency of the investigation. We agreed that this decision would be in the best interests of the committee“
— Burgess Everett (@burgessev) May 14, 2020
.@SenatorBurr tells me he stepped down as committee chair to avoid distraction. “It’s a distraction to a committee that is extremely important to the safety and security of the American people.” Said he wont talk about the investigation. #ncpol
— Brian Murphy (@MurphinDC) May 14, 2020
Also extremely important to Burr’s bank account apparently, as it was the briefings he received as chairman of this committee that inspired him to dump nearly all of his stocks before the public found out and pandemic panic ensued.
Burr’s term doesn’t end until 2022, meaning that a damning criminal investigation increases the likelihood of outright resignation immensely. Some political observers are already surmising about who would be named to replace the senior senator from North Carolina. Former Governor Pat McCrory (R), or current Congressman Richard Hudson (R) are names that have been suggested as replacement picks sanctioned by the establishment.
This will also spur a round of musical chairs on the Senate Intel Committee, which could be important to watch considering everything coming down the pike regarding Obamagate and the Russia Collusion Hoax.
Here at home though the game clock has started for those with statewide political ambitions and inside tracks, as the political career of Sen. Richard Burr appears to be coming to an abrupt end.
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