WASHINGTON, D.C. – There is no ‘there’ there. At least that’s what the months of investigating what, if any, connection there was between Russia and Trump ascendance to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have yielded according to U.S. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee that is reviewing the matter.
“The committee continues to look into all evidence to see if there was any hint of collusion,” said Burr last week. “The issue of collusion is still open.”
It will likely remain open for as long as it takes investigators to make a clear connection or evidence of collusion, which could be a long time. To this point, every ‘bombshell’ chapter of the Trump/Russia collusion narrative has turned out to be a dud.
So, as the mission creeps, those intent upon establishing foul play by the Trump campaign, or at least engendering a widespread sense of the 2016 election results being illegitimate, will move the goal posts to satisfy their desires.
The latest example of such is captured in Burr telling reporters last week that the panel and its staff have reached a “general consensus” that they trust the intelligence community’s assessment that Moscow directed an influence campaign in the U.S. election.
Information. Disinformation. Propaganda blitz. Whatever such influence campaign may have existed, and such tactics are not uncommon in geopolitics around the globe, even that assumption is a far cry from the original inflammatory accusations that Trump and his campaign staff actively colluded with Russia to somehow win the electoral vote.
So far there is no ‘there’ there. What may be there in abundance? Sour grapes.
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