WASHINGTON, D.C. – Explaining that it is all merely a case of being thorough, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman and U.S. Senator from North Carolina Richard Burr goes to great pains in this interview to justify the ongoing, last remaining congressional ‘Russian Collusion’ probe.
It’s almost as if the Deep State apologist is hoping to find something…
From the Associated Press:
“For much of the last two years, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr has been the Russia investigator who is seen but rarely heard on Capitol Hill.
In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, the North Carolina Republican opened up about the investigation that has now consumed 19 months of his life. He says it has been “frustrating as hell” and much more difficult than he originally envisioned. But he says the integrity of the investigation — and its importance to the institution of the Senate — is something he has labored to protect.
“Nothing in this town stays classified or secret forever,” Burr said. “And at some point somebody’s going to go back and do a review. And I’d love not to be the one that chaired the committee when somebody says, ‘well, boy, you missed this.’ So we’ve tried to be pretty thorough in how we’ve done it.”
Burr said there is “no factual evidence today that we’ve received” on collusion or conspiracy between Russia and President Donald Trump’s campaign.”
But he is still dragging on, keeping the Russian collusion myth alive, and wasting everyone’s time in the process.
Read the rest of the interview here.
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