RALEIGH – The argument against illegal immigration and for border security has never been to deny good people the chance to come enjoy America via the proper vetted avenues; it has always been to guard against the inevitable harm done by bad people that abuse a porous border and relatively low immigration law enforcement.
That harm was evident in Raleigh this weekend as an illegal alien fatally struck a motorcyclist and fled the scene.
“Raleigh police have arrested a man following a fatal motorcycle crash on New Hope Church Road. Neri Damian Cruz-Carmona, 26, has been charged with felony hit and run causing serious injury/death.
Officials say Cruz-Carmona is an undocumented or illegal immigrant and is under an ICE detainer.”
Cruz-Carmona turned into the motorcyclist, killing him, and then fled the scene. The crash happened at nearly 1:00 AM, making alcohol a likely ingredient.
Now that Cruz-Carmona is in custody, with an ICE detainer, he may deported, but not before having killed an innocent man.
It’s impossible to stop all crime, but some things are so preventable through the proper enforcement of existing laws that there is no excuse for allowing them to continue. Illegal immigration is one of those things.
Read more about the fatal crash here.
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