On Tuesday, the North Carolina State Board of Elections announced that it has launched a voter ID awareness campaign to remind voters to bring their photo ID to vote. North Carolina has 7.5 million registered voters who must provide a photo ID to vote.
“Bring It! Your ID. Your Vote,” is the campaign slogan.
“This slogan was chosen because it reminds voters to bring their ID when voting, and we hope it motivates North Carolinians to exercise their right to vote in this important election year,” said Karen Brinson Bell, state board executive director. “Voters can go to bringitnc.com to learn more about the photo ID requirement, view the list of acceptable IDs, and learn how to get a free ID if they need one.”
Last month, the Carolina Journal reported, “A photo identification is now required when casting a ballot in North Carolina, including by mail.”
The campaign is designed to reach all of North Carolina, including urban and rural areas. The marketing strategy includes purchasing ads for broadcast television and cable, radio, digital video, social media, digital billboards, websites, and newspapers in the NC Press Association.
“Voter ID helps prevent election fraud and gives voters more confidence in the security of their elections,” Dr. Andy Jackson, director of the Civitas Center for Public Integrity, told the Carolina Journal in an email. “Voter registration lists are our first line of defense against election fraud. Unfortunately, those lists are not entirely accurate and include duplicate registrations and people who have moved or died. Election officials try to remove those registrations but cannot get them all.”
The board will also send colorful postcards providing information about the state’s voter ID law to all 4.9 million households before the March 5 primary and the Nov. 5 general election. These cards contain important information regarding photo ID requirements for voters, forms of photo ID that will be accepted, essential dates and deadlines for the March 5 primary, and how to get a free ID from the county board of elections.
“The State Board and county boards of elections also plan to conduct photo ID educational seminars throughout the state in 2024. Information about those events will be released as they are scheduled,” according to the press release. “Voters in North Carolina will be asked to show a photo ID when they check in to vote. Most voters will use their driver’s license, but many other forms of photo ID will be accepted. Voters who vote by mail will be asked to include a photocopy of their ID when returning their ballot.”
The funding for this educational campaign was provided for in the state budget when the NCGA passed HB 259.
“Voter ID is an additional layer of protection that would help protect the integrity of our elections against those who would take advantage of inaccuracies in voter registration rolls to commit election fraud. Election fraud is difficult to detect without expensive monitoring and investigations. Voter ID is an inexpensive and inobtrusive preventative measure against fraud,” said Dr. Jackson.
More information on voter ID, including a list of accepted photo IDs, can be found here. Voters can obtain a free photo ID from the state board of elections or the North Carolina DMV.
The post ‘Bring it!’ NCSBE launches voter ID awareness campaign first appeared on Carolina Journal.
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