RALEIGH – A Your Choice Pregnancy Clinic located on Jones Franklin Road in Raleigh has been broken into and possibly vandalized. Your Choice is a partner facility of Hand of Hope Pregnancy Resource Centers, a Christian organization, an alternative to Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics, that seeks to give mothers the care and compassion they deserve, and the unborn child a chance at life.
“As the Body of Christ in this community, we want to give the preborn a chance to live, we want to offer women life-affirming choices for their babies and post-abortive women and men a chance for healing and restoration. We accomplish this through our many client services. But we will not stop there! We also want to reach teens with abstinence education and are happy to visit a school, church, or other organization and speak.”
As we write, law enforcement is on their way to the facility.
This particular center has been in the news previously in 2016 because it relocated adjacent to a A Preferred Women’s Health Center, an abortion clinic. The abortion clinic was worried about Hand of Hope moving next door.
“Abortion is not the right choice for everyone, but everyone has the right to make that choice. Hand of Hope has had a location directly across the street for years – this move is strictly an intimidation tactic,” clinic owner Lois Turner said in the statement.
“The outcome of this re-zoning proposal will not affect any individual’s personal beliefs. However, if granted, it will cause disruption and difficulties for not only our business, but for our neighbors as well,” Turner said.
God forbid a pro-life alternative disrupt the the clinic’s business of killing babies inside the womb. The ‘intimidation tactic’the abortion providers refer to consists of merely offering mothers another option that protects the life of the child.
Contrary to their worries, it has actually been pro-abortion advocates that have picketed and protested the Hand of Hope center. Now it appears someone has broken into and vandalized the pro-life resource center. How’s that for intimidation?
This is a breaking story and will be updated as more information becomes available.
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