RALEIGH – Michael Bloomberg is ramping up his efforts to secure a primary win in the Old North State, holding multiple events in the Triad and picking up endorsements from Democrats in the state.
The billionaire and former NYC mayor will first stop in Greensboro, followed by an event in Winston-Salem. Another Democratic mayor, Democrat mayor of Charlotte Vi Lyles, has endorsed Bloomberg, as well as a former Democratic governor, Beverly Perdue. Now, maybe you’re thinking that an endorsement from a governor whose first term was so bad it didn’t even warrant a bid for reelection isn’t necessarily a strong endorsement. Regardless, Bloomberg will take what he gets as he works to overcome his late entry with massive ad buys and support from those wary of how far left the other candidates have gone.
You might take some comfort in the fact that Democrats like PErdue and Vyles are averse to the blatant socialism of Sanders, but it says nothing of the Democrat’s base voters.
Bloomberg is joined in the Old North State by the man that embodies the lurch left — Bernie Sanders. The leading socialist is holding ‘community meetings’ hosted by surrogates on Thursday, with events planned for Durham and Charlotte, in order to convince voters to vote for becoming the U.S.S.A.
It marks a relentless three week sprint to the March 3 primary day as the Democratic candidates compete to become the least bad option for Democratic voters. If there is one confident prediction to make, it is that none of these candidates will draw crowds to match those of President Trump’s rallies in the state.
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