RALEIGH – The night before Halloween, Woke Radical Leftists had planned on a ‘Night of Mischief’ in a residential area of downtown Raleigh. What they hadn’t planned on is the Raleigh Police being so resolute in enforcing the law, that the hooligans mischief would be nipped in the bud.
The organizers had earlier complained of a 10:00 PM curfew enacted by Mayor Mary Ann Baldwin, and lamented that Raleigh Police Department was warning residents of the planned unrest. The Woke whine like babies, trying to perpetuate the delusion that these events are simply an exercise in free speech, when all honest observers know the marches merely serve as cover for criminal vandalism and reliable rioting.
The start time for the Night of Mischief was moved up by an hour, but it was of no use; Raleigh Police were ready. The half acre park the Radicals marked as their starting point for mischief is a city park, with kids playgrounds, basketball courts, and picnic tables, right in the middle of a dense residential area.
The park closes after dark, and that’s all police needed in order to nab Wokies assembling for mischief on account of trespassing. ‘No Justice, No Peace’ was finally met with a resolute enforcement of the peace, and it caught the Wokies off-guard.
By 8:30 PM, the ‘Night of Mischief’ was scuttled, the local residents spared from violent mobs, and the City of Oaks avoided another embarrassing loss of control.
All is well that ends well, at least for now…
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