BLADEN COUNTY – Of all the process and administration votes the Bladen County Board of Elections perhaps should be having, considering their recent history, they voted this week on whether or not to add a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to regular meetings. More alarming then the need to have the vote in the first place is the fact that the Board voted the Pledge of Allegiance DOWN.
When a community member decided to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance anyway, he was joined by several others including two board members, all calmly reciting the pledge with hands of hearts. The Democrats refused to even stand. Instead, the response of the Democrat chairwoman Louella Thompson was to threaten them or anyone else with arrest if they recite the pledge again in contravention of their vote. Seriously; this was the statement Thompson released.
“The Bladen County Board of Elections received a request to add the pledge of allegiance to the agenda of our business meeting. After a period of public comment the board voted 3 to 2 to deny the request. A few individuals present refused to accept the decision of the board and disrupted the meeting to protest the vote by standing and reciting the pledge. That disruption violated the law NC GS 143.318.17 Disruption of official meeting. Those present were made aware of the violation and told that any future disruption would result in arrest.”
You will be arrested for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at a county board of elections meeting. How absurd is that?
Now, Democrats are all too familiar with disrupting public meetings to deliver political messages. Leftist mobs commonly shut meetings down and make carrying out the people’s business impossible. Warning against and enforcing rules prohibiting such disruptions make common sense. Does this seem like one of those disruptions, or people exercising their rights?
During the debate and public input that preceded this extremely volatile disruption, one insightful resident pointed out that of all the counties needing to demonstrate patriotism and an allegiance to the American rule of law, it would certainly be Bladen. Can’t say we disagree there.
It’s hard to figure that Democrats across Bladen County, or North Carolina, are really so detached from the American fabric that they’ll refuse to stand for the pledge of allegiance, much less threaten those who recite the pledge with arrest. Yet, more and more, the elected leaders of the Democratic Party pander to a growing Far Left cohort that hold ideas completely antithetical to those informing America’s founding.
Good for the citizens of Bladen County for literally standing up for their rights in the most civil of ways, while demonstrating just how ridiculous the Democrats have become.
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